Apr 16, 2021Meditation: Compassionate Communication - Part 5 - Challenging Communication Exercise33 minutes | How do we hold ourselves and others in compassion in the midst of challenging communication? This meditative exercise guides...
Apr 16, 2021Talk: Compassionate Communication - Part 5 - Introduction to the Challenging Communication Exercise7 minutes | How do we hold ourselves and others in compassion in the midst of challenging communication? This talk introduces some of the...
Mar 12, 2021Talk: Compassionate Communication - Part 3 - Feelings and Emotions25 minutes | We continue a series on compassionate communication. In this session we discuss the how to work with feelings and emotions...
Mar 4, 2021Talk: Compassionate Communication - Part 2 - Needs and Strategies21 minutes | We continue a series on compassionate communication. These talks rely heavily on the principles of Non-Violent Communication...
Feb 26, 2021Talk: Compassionate Communication - Part 1 - Needs26 minutes | We begin a series on compassionate communication. These talks rely heavily on the principles of Non-Violent Communication as...