Nov 12Talk: Finding Refuge18 minutes | This talk is an exploration based on the Three Refuges of Buddhism, as applied to daily life. These refuges can be a source...
Oct 5Meditation: Coming to Presence 3 - Letting the Horse Run10 minutes | This meditation (one of a series of three) assists in coming to a state of presence, embodiment and groundedness. We can...
Oct 5Meditation: Coming to Presence 2 - Sun and Smile10 minutes | This meditation (one of a series of three) assists in coming to a state of presence, embodiment and groundedness. Utilizing...
Sep 26Meditation: Coming to Presence 1 - Opening the Fist9 minutes | This meditation (one of a series of three) assists in helping to let go of past and future and come to presence, embodiment...
Sep 20, 2021Meditation: Anchor and Buoy - Stabilizing Attention13 minutes | This meditation uses imagery of an anchor and a buoy to help the meditator to stay present and keep the mind from drifting....