Talk: The Wisdom of Natural Awareness
Meditation: Inward and Outward
Meditation: Inhabiting the Body
Talk: Contemplating Death
Meditation: Touching into the Well of Grief
Talk and Meditation: Mindful Reflecting on the Past
Introduction to Inviting Chronic Pain and Illness to Tea Course
Meditation: The Depth and Breadth of Gratitude
Meditation: Mindfulness of Impermanence
Talk: Self-Forgiveness
Talk: Interrupting Automatic Reactivity - Mindfulness of Vedana (Feeling Tone)
Meditation: Mindfulness of Vedana (Feeling Tone)
Talk and Meditation: From Fear to Resilience
Meditation: Mindfulness of Emotions
Meditation: Anchor and Buoy - Stabilizing Attention
Meditation: Breathing Kindness into Daily Life
Meditation: Interbeing
Meditation: Cultivating Deepened Focus and Stable Attention
Meditation: Intuitive Choice
Meditation: Mindfulness of Mind
Explore some of my guided meditations and Dharma talks.